Infield Drills and Information

The infield is a complex place. Each infielder has coverage duties, cutoff duties and has to be 100% aware of the situation at all times. This isn’t easy, and you’ll spend all year working on the infield but some of these videos can really help.

Below are a group of videos on proper fielding technique for all fielders but especially infielders.

Ron Washington Drill (“Ozzie” Drill)

This drill improves the player’s ability to work through the ball. One of the most valuable drills for learning glovework, this drill should be used often, esp. for 2B, SS & 3B positions.

Short Hop Ball Drop Drill

This is an excellent drill for working on footwork and short hops simultaneously. This will be effective at helping your kids improve slow hop fielding while moving and charging the ball.

The “A” Drill

This drill is very useful for reading hops and positioning the body for throws (esp. 3B to 1B). Very important to drill getting low, and footwork to throw transition. Coach, vary length of hop.

Short Hop to Power Drill

This will be used in all drills that require footwork (ball drop, circle, etc…). This shows the player the importance of getting into a powerful throwing position during the fielding phase.

Basic Cutoffs and Relays

The below video will explore cutoff and relay duties for your infielders showing game examples of how to execute each one. Dekes (short for “decoy”) are also explored in this video and can prove essential as your kids become more advanced.